Ordförande av Mälekon

Ordförande och vice ordförande övervakar arbetet i varje utskott och lägger upp en strategi för hela styrelsen att arbeta med. Genom att arrangera möten med varje utskott bollar vi idéer tillsammans över kommande utmaningar och tar fram en plan som gynnar både Mälekon och dess partners. På månadsmöten rapporterar och diskuterar de med styrelsens medlemmar för att leda föreningen mot sina mål. De har också ansvaret att knyta an till andra föreningar och universitetet för erbjuda studenterna ett bättre studentliv.

Har du några frågor till oss?

Klicka på knappen nedan och skicka iväg ett mail 🙂

Aya Gharib


More about me
When I'm not busy with board duties, you'll find me embracing my true passion-sleeping! I also somehow manage to deliver more dad jokes than your average dad ever could!
Previous Education
I've always been passionate about business, which led me to attend a business-focused high school.
During my first year at the University, I was elected as the Vice Chairperson of Education, and ever since, I've been passionate about the student union life and being involved in our community as a board member. This year, I felt ready for a bigger challenge which is why I applied to be the Chairperson of Mälekon.

Jennifer Vihlman


Hello everybody! My name is Jennifer Vihlman, I’m the vice chairperson of Mälekon. My role is to support Aya with all the association related business and to be a support for all the committees.  I’m studying my second year of the international business management program. You can find me in the library, kåren, R-house or out in the city of Västerås.

More about me
I will get back to you with this one!
Previous Education
I dreamed of becoming a doctor, but realised that the outfits aren’t cool enough for me, so I applied to business to be able to have more options of what I want to work with. Therefore here I am studying my second year of international business management and I am confident that this is the profession for me.
I have had some leadership experience specifically from being in a shift leader position at a GolfClub restaurant and from functioning as an event host for different kinds of events.