Ordförande av Mälekon

Ordförande och vice ordförande övervakar arbetet i varje utskott och lägger upp en strategi för hela styrelsen att arbeta med. Genom att arrangera möten med varje utskott bollar vi idéer tillsammans över kommande utmaningar och tar fram en plan som gynnar både Mälekon och dess partners. På månadsmöten rapporterar och diskuterar de med styrelsens medlemmar för att leda föreningen mot sina mål. De har också ansvaret att knyta an till andra föreningar och universitetet för erbjuda studenterna ett bättre studentliv.

Linus Persson


Glad you made it here. My name is Linus and im on my second year of studies. Im the chairperson of this years Mälekon board. My duties as a chairperson is to support all the committees in the board and to assist where necessary. I am involved throughout the different projects and activities that Mälekon hosts. The role as chairperson also involves being the contact person for Mälekon which involves communicating within the board and other associations or businesses.


More about me
I was once crowned the smartest idiot in a game of chance. Whatever that means.
Previous Education
Excluding the mandatory schooling I've read some math courses.
Tried my hand in different lines of work for a few years before landing in the business side of things. More things to come.
Sarah Moukadam, vice ordförande för Mälekon, ger insiktsfullt ledarskap och strategisk vision för att styra studentföreningens initiativ.

Sarah Moukadam


Welcome to my little biography, I’m Sarah and I’m the vice chairperson for Mälekon. I’m currently on my third and last year of the IBM program. My position involves helping all the committees reach their objectives and that everything is flowing smoothly. Additionally to supporting the chairperson.

More about me
I love editing videos and also from time to time I love to do some weightlifting.
Previous Education
I’m studying the IBM program and I’m currently at my third and last year!
I have had some leadership experiences, of which a shift leader at KFC during my high school years, which taught me a lot about myself and my type of leadership.

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