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Become a member of Mälekons student association to not miss out on what the student life has to offer! We welcome you as a member and want you to feel a part of our community.

Mälekon is a non-profit line association at Mälardalen University that manages all talents who study the economics related programs. Mälekon is run by the board that usually has 12 members that focuses on 6 different sections. Being in the board gives us students rich experiences that we can bring with us to the worklife after graduation, and it can be very attractive to have on our CV's! Apply to join the board during the spring and the autumn meeting that we have every year.

Chairperson and vice chairperson oversee the works of each committee and set the strategy for the whole board to work towards. By arranging meetings with each committee we brainstorm ideas together over the challenges and come up with a plan to benefit both Mälekon and it’s partners.

Treasurer oversee the income and expenses to make sure that all decisions in the board alligns with the budget plan. Tasks include accounting, invoicing and bookend.
The secretary is part of the board and has the main task of writing protocols, which is a summary of what we discuss and decide during the Mälekon’s board meetings.

The main task of the Marketing Committee is to conduct work to reach out, with information about news and events, to the economics students at Mälardalen University. By conducting various marketing campaigns, the goal is to achieve such great interest in both Mälekon and the association, as well as in the university and the study time that the students are in.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

The Corporate Committee works to make business a natural part during our members' study time. We work to give our members an insight into their future careers and give companies and organizations the opportunity to market themselves to our members.

The Social committee is responsible for most of Mälekon’s events, and our aim is to bring people together besides school as well. In the Social Committee in Mälekon, we organize meetings, excursions, theme parties, pub nights, and other events outside school hours. The events are open to all Mälekon's students, regardless of how far the student has come with their studies.

We in the Education Committee work actively to improve economic education and ensure that they always maintain high quality. Education monitoring, course structure, and course literature are examples of issues that are discussed within the committee.